Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sad today

Today, I am very sad. My family needs a lot of prayer. Our daughter is going through huge things at this time in her life and I am sad because she seems to have turn her back on what matters most. I hope I am wrong but, this is how I feel. If you read this....please pray for her and us (parents). I know that God is in control and I know we are learning a lesson, but right now I wonder at what cost and what is the lesson?


DeeDee said...

Praying for you and with you!

Unknown said...

Mrs. Darlene, Maybe it isn't you that God is teaching a lesson to. Maybe it's her. I took myself and my family through some horrible times, and boy did God have a lesson for me. I know He would have chosen to teach it to me another way. But He uses everything for the glory of Him. "Train a child up in the way they should go and they will not depart from it." Ask my mom what all I took our family through. She can give you specifics or I can, But just Trust God. I know your daughter, I hope she doesn't have to go as far as I did to learn that I was truely happy befor I started looking for ways to make me happy. It took me four to five years to learn my lesson. What can I say I'm REALLY hard headed. It almost cost me my life, more than my paretns or anyone else knows, But the amazing thing is, God never turned his back on me, I ran from Him as fast as I could I told Him to leave me alone, But as his child He didn't, When I finaly did turn around He was right there waiting to pick up the pieces of my broken life and put them back together. My family was the same way. I didn't have to make up the ground I had lost to get back to Him and them, They were right there behind me. I say all this to say if you want to e-mail @ daniel.j.warren@us.army.mil me I will tell you my whole story, or you can talk to my mom and dad. But I am praying for you either way. I love yall,
Jonathan Warren

Unknown said...

Mrs. Darlene, I love the way the Lord works. I left that last comment about five hours before I read the comment you left on my blog. I just drifted to your page from julias I couldn't remember who puff was and just clicked and read your blog. God brought me to your page before I knew. I love that about him. He knows what we need to do before we do.