Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back Where You Belong

Back Where You Belong is by Newsong.
When I heard this song....I just had to share with you!! I love it!!I love the beat of the music and it is a song that when you get it in your head it will be there for a while.
Sometimes we need reminded to go "Back Where You Belong!"
"If you just believe you will see He is all you need" This is so true..."There is more to this life than trying to survive" I feel that is all we have been doing is taking one day and trying to survive. Life can be so hard at times....I am so thankful that my Father is always waiting with his arms open wide!!

I hope you enjoy it... for more TSMSS visit Amy.


Mocha with Linda said...

Haven't heard this in a looong time! Thanks for sharing!

Deborah said...

I had never heard this song before, I like it.

Love the new set up for your blog!

Sherri Watt said...

I like it, gonna have to go look for the CD.

Stop by my blog, I have an award waiting for you.

God Bless!

Rebecca said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts and especially the prayers. I've seen so many young adults come back to the Truth, that I will say a prayer for you too! It's a hard wait, I'm sure.

Peggy said...

Blessings Darlene... Upbeat song by Newsong...awesome reminder that we need to be where we belong...back in His Word, His arms, His way...
obedient to all we believe & stand! Thanks for sharing this! Enjoy TSMSS & have a wonderful weekend!

Debra Kaye said...


I've never heard this before but what a powerful message! Happy Saturday to you, Darlene!

Karen said...

I love these lyrics! He is all we need...

Tammy said...

I LOVE this song! I hear it a lot on the radio. Thank you for sharing it with us today.

Life's an adventure said...

Like many, I haven't heard this song before, but I liked it.

Thanks for sharing.

Tim said...

Thank you for the reminder. I need to always remember that. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Pretty Song. Never heard it. Thanks for sharing. Be Blessed :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

What a great song! It's makes your toes want to tap.

Thanks for sharing!
Happy TSMSS!

Cathy said...

Thanks for that song and video, I had not heard before. And thanks for visiting my blog. Have a blessed weekend.

Cristine said...

LOVED IT!!! Thanks for sharing. God Bless you,

sailorcross said...

Hi Darlene!!

Thanks for sharing this song!! I've never heard it before. Certainly gets you upbeat and just feeling like dancing!!


Unknown said...

Great song, I had not heard this one before. Thanks for sharing!